Dr. Chimaobi Valentine OKOLO, is currently a Senior Research Consultant at Africa Polling Institute (API). A seasoned economist and research professional with over 12 years of experience working in economic development, financial consulting, social research and the academia. He is a member of the prestigious Royal Economic Society, UK, a member of the Institute of Chartered Economist of Nigeria (ICEN). He has been on the editorial board of the International Journal of Innovative Research in Management (IJIRM), Asian Economic and Social Science (AESS) and a reviewer for the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET). He has published several articles and featured in National workshops and international conferences.
Dr. Okolo holds Bachelor degrees in Economics, Accounting and Educational Management; and a Master of Science degree and PhD in Economics, with specialization in Monetary Economics. He has two books projects published in Germany. Prior to joining API, he held faculty position at the department of Economics, Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT). He was also a Research Associate at NOIPolls Limited, and lectured at Coal City University, Enugu.