Prof. Bell IHUA
Our Executive Director
It is with immense satisfaction and no small amount of optimism that I especially welcome you to Africa Polling Institute (API). We are an independent, non-profit and non-partisan opinion research think-tank, which conducts opinion polls, surveys, social research and evaluation studies at the intersection of democracy, governance, economic conditions and public life; in order to support better decision-making, public policy, practice and advocacy in sub-Saharan Africa. We were established on the belief that citizens participation in democratic governance can deepen the democratic process, strengthen public institutions and promote social cohesion across Africa.
API partners with corporations, institutions and donors to bridge the gap in the dearth of Africa-led and Africa-owned opinion research and knowledge of public attitudes, perceptions and opinions, which are critical to informing better decisions, public policy, practice and advocacy amongst state and non-state actors. We also provide a platform for regular dissemination of credible, scientific and independent opinion and social research studies from other research institutions and practitioners, especially those focusing on the continent, Africa is a continent with immense potential but realizing this potential is predicated on her ability to harness the enormous human and mineral resources at its disposal, especially that of its bourgeoning youth population. There’s need to understand the challenges and threats facing African young people, as well as the opportunities available to them.
Opinion research offers the opportunity to dive deep into the heart of these social issues affecting the African continent in a very inclusive and participatory manner to ensure our orientation towards evidence-based decision-making and advocacy is effective, systematic and strategic.

API is committed to the core values of professionalism, integrity, science, credibility, independence, excellence and sound judgement in our engagements with the public, donors, partners and clients. Consequently, we have assembled a team of highly committed research professionals with knowledge, experience, respect and empathy to lead large-scale, in-country and multi-country projects that will help in answering difficult questions bordering on public attitudes, perceptions and opinions; and ultimately contribute to helping Africa shape of her own future. We are committed to spearheading new indigenous technologies and innovations in opinion research for improving the conduct of opinion polls, surveys, social research and evaluation studies in sub-Saharan Africa.
As social research scientists, we are committed to methodological robustness, creativity and perspicacity in engaging with our partners, donors and clients. In my capacity as Executive Director, I bring to bear my experience as an opinion research expert and thought leader for over a decade; with a clear commitment to ensuring that every grant, partnership and project is managed with the highest level of professional standards, quality, ethics and care. We are committed to service, collaboration and openness. Our word is our bond, and I personally invite you to partner with our Institute, in our noble bid to promote Africa-led and Africa-owned opinion research in Africa.
Dr. Bell IHUA Executive Director